About us

TheSunToday.in is a news, analysis, opinion and knowledge venture, launched in June 6 2021 by Editor-in-Chief Dr. Satyaprakash Sharma, a senior journalist who worked in several leading English and Hindi dailies such as The Statesman, Millennium Post, Free Press Journal, The Hitavada and others. It sharply focuses on politics and policy, government and governance.

Senior Journalist Mrs. Shobhana Sharma holds the post of Executive Editor for The Sun Today.

Our digital news platform will try to build a network across India because we believe in high-quality investigative and questioning journalism.

The Sun Today is an independent and public-spirited digital media platform for Indians. We report news and issues that matter as well as give you the opportunity to take action. Our stories can make you feel surprised, happy, inspired, provoked and even sad. Such stories can open up hearts, change minds and sometimes even the world. The Sun Today is a digital platform of the Indian media to socially conscious citizens. We believe in being a democratized and approachable media. From individuals to governments as well as non-profiting organizations, we provide a platform to everyone to talk about stuff that needs or deserves attention.

TheSunToday is an unbiased media platform and is committed to journalism that involves a responsible, honest, objective and fair pursuit of facts, without any partisan and political affiliation or allegiance to special interest groups.

We try to draw the attention of the policymakers and public representatives on issues we cover. We believe in our responsibility of covering effective and factual stories.

Mr Abhinav Gupta handles the technical functioning as a technical editor for The Sun Today.

You can follow The Sun Today on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. If you have feedback on our stories please email them to drspsharma@thesuntoday.in